A tool for programmatically patching vintage computer BIOS ROMs.
[Download RomBuster] 11/2024 v1.1.1
Includes User’s Manual
RomBuster was written for my own use but is being released by request. It’s not refined but it’s free, use it at your own risk.
Some Features
- Apply and remove patches by point and click.
- Edit new or already modified ROMs.
- Output binaries are automatically re-checksummed.
- Open and save a variety of BIOS image formats including single/split and with/without integrated video BIOS.
- Merge split BIOS images for disassembly.
- Split merged BIOS images for burning.
- Simple fixed disk geometry editing via graphical interface.
- Easily embed binaries such as patches or option ROMs (like XTIDE).
- Tools for some basic BIOS analysis including finding free space, string searches, etc.
- Shows some technical information about BIOS images.
- Scriptable syntax for developing more complex patches.
- Dynamic patching (patch a patch to compensate for it’s offset).
- Mini assembler for defining jumps and calls dynamically without knowing opcodes and manually calculating offsets.
- Edit the AMI BIOS Advanced CMOS Setup menu options.
- Share patches with friends and neighbors… pets love it too!
Read the User’s Manual for full details, features, and change log.
Most RomBuster features are not BIOS type dependent. It should work with all including American Megatrends BIOS, Award BIOS, Phoenix BIOS, Mr. BIOS, Quadtel, etc. of the 8086, 8088, 286, 386, and 486 era.
Included Samples/Demo Projects
GRiD GRiDCase 1520 (286) and GRiDCase 1530 (386) BIOS Patch
- Phoenix Int13h.02h patch for fast IDE drives (such as CF cards).
- IDE detection and geometry updates
- Floppy drive type overrides
- BIOS password override.
This project was conducted 2019-2020 and released 9/2022.