These are some of the things that I coded over the years, almost all were as exercises or for my own use.

Heli (Sidescroller, 1995, DOS)
[DOWNLOAD]Binary (no source)
Coded in Turbo Pascal on an IBM PS/2 Model 60 (286)
Incomplete but functional, one of my first attempts at a graphical game. 320×200 256 color (MCGA/VGA). You can fly the helicopter, drop bombs, there is collision detection and Sound Blaster support. Unfortunately I no longer have the source code. It doesn’t have proper timing so, like many old games, it runs too fast on anything newer than a 386.

Invoice Maker (1996, DOS)
Coded in Turbo Pascal
A simple program that I used to print invoices and shipping forms on a dot matrix printer.

Invoice Maker (1996, Windows)
Coded in Visual Basic
This is a windows version of the program above. I used it to print invoices and shipping forms.

Autobot (IRC App, 1997, Windows)
Coded in Visual Basic 4 or 5 on Win95
Autobot interfaced with mIRC via DDE to automate functions. It’s speed gave advantages that could exploit certain opportunities to take control of a channel, such as de-opping everyone almost instantly (before you could be stopped) and rapidly changing your name to avoid being kicked/banned).
7/2020 – It seems to run okay on Windows 10 x64. I downloaded mIRC 7.61 and, surprisingly, it linked right up. Some functions don’t seem to work anymore, other do.

Yahtzee! (Game, 1998, Windows)
[DOWNLOAD]Binary + Source
Coded in Visual Basic 5 on Win95
Yahtzee was a coding excercise. The core functionality is there, including scoring, but it’s not refined. There is nothing keep you from cheating and it looks like I never finished the design/layout. The images were rendered in Caligari Truespace.
7/2020 – It seems to run on Windows 10 x64.

AC Remote (2019, Windows)
Coded in Visual Studio C# on Win7
This is a simple program I wrote to remotely control an air conditioner that is an hours round trip away. If I receive an alert (third party monitoring) then I can remotely see the AC status (via a USB camera) and adjust settings (via a USB infrared transceiver).
I used the same IR transceiver to record samples from the AC’s remote to be reproduced by the software. It works so well that I have implemented in other locations too.

Turtles ROM Editor
(2019, Windows)
Coded in C#
An editor for the Adventure Vision Turtles game. Allows editing of Maps, Sprites, Music, and Functionality.

(2019, Windows)
Coded in C# on Windows 10
A tool for analyzing and patching vintage computer BIOS ROMs. Edit hard drive geometry, embed option ROMs, patch code, and more. Includes scripting support for advanced patch development.
Offers dynamic offset fixups in patch code and easy patching by way of self assembling syntax.
BIOS type independent (AMI, Award, Phoenix, MrBios, Quadtel, whatever).

Super Cobra Viewer
(2021, Linux)
Coded in C++
A utility I wrote while reverse-engineering Super Cobra for the Adventure Vision console. It reads the ROM file and displays any of the ten game levels, including enemy locations. The colors reflect different terrain orientations such as normal, flip, inverse, etc.

RomBuilder Pro for GRiD (2021, Linux)
Coded in C++, Custom Boot Sector in x86 Assembly
A modern replacement for GRiD’s original RomBuilder 2.0 DOS utility.
Flexible drag and drop real time interface. Adds support for GRiD MS-DOS 4.01 (FAT16). Adds support for PalmPad in addition to Compass, GRiDCase, and GRiDLite. Start new or open existing ROMs, extract files, convert ROM types, and more.
Work in progress, will post download when suitably refined.

GRiD Backdoor BIOS Password Generator
(2021, Windows Console App)
Coded in Visual Studio C++ on Win10
Generates a valid BIOS password based on the system date. Useful if the password is unknown or has a false password due to corrupt or new CMOS chip.

(2022, DOS)
Coded in x86 Assembly
A tiny Klondike Solitaire game designed to play well on vintage computers with monochrome screens.
3KB footprint, supports a variety of video modes from CGA to VGA.